From the course: 3ds Max: Substance to V-Ray

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Creating the grass with VRayFur

Creating the grass with VRayFur - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max: Substance to V-Ray

Creating the grass with VRayFur

- [Instructor] Having seen how we can get our materials and our material channels out of Bitmap2Material, Substance Designer, and Substance Painter, and then bring those into 3ds Max for rendering with V-Ray, what we want to do in the final videos for the course is bring everything together by adding a grass effect to our ground geometry, apply a material to that, and then finally look at adding a few setting tweaks to the scene in order to produce a final render. To get all of that underway, the first thing we will want to do is select the ground geometry, and then from the V-Ray toolbar add some V-Ray fur to it. Straight away, we will want to tweak quite a few of the settings here. And so in the command panel's Modify tab, let's set a Length value of 13 centimeters, a Thickness of 0.3 centimeters. The Bend control can be set at 0.66. The Taper and Knots options we will set at one and seven, respectively, whilst the Length Variation and Per Face value controls can be set at 0.85 and…
