From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 19 Motion Tracking with Cinema 4D Lite

Exercise files and software versions

- [Voiceover] If you have access to the exercise files provided with this course, inside the Exercise Files folder, you'll find an After Effects project, a folder that contains the crown model you'll be importing, and a Footage folder that includes both the sources you'll be using, the background movie and our final Cinema 4D model, as well a copy of the finished movie. This project file is compatible with After Effects CC 2014, 2015, and later. I'll double-click to open it. And I happen to be using CC 2015 for this course, but you should be able to execute it from CC 2014 onward. There are a few things that I've already set up for you in this project file that you need to do for any Cinema 4D Lite project. I'll go into the Project Settings. You need to make sure that your working space has been set to SRGB and you need to enable the Linearize working space. As we discussed in the earlier After Effects Apprentice courses for Cinema 4D Lite, these are the default color working space for Cinema 4D and you need to set up After Effects to match. I've already done that for you in this project file. If you don't have access to the exercise files, I still think you should be able to follow along and pick up the concepts of how to track the camera in a piece of footage in After Effects and bring in a model to Cinema 4D Lite to integrate in that world.
