From the course: Note-Taking for Business Professionals

The Cornell note-taking system

From the course: Note-Taking for Business Professionals

The Cornell note-taking system

- Taking notes quickly can be a challenge, especially when lots of detailed information is being rapidly presented during a meeting with multiple people. If you need to keep up with all this information, you may want to consider taking notes using the Cornell system. The Cornell system helps you organize your notes into two major columns using a standard 8 1/2 by 11 inch page. Start by drawing a horizontal line about four to six lines from the bottom of your page. If your paper doesn't have any lines, draw this horizontal line about two to three inches from the bottom. Then, draw a vertical line about two inches from the left side of your page. The left column will be the area where you review your main points. On the right side column, which is larger, you'll add more of your detailed notes. The bottom part of your page will be where you summarize the information as an action plan. On the top right-hand side of the page, you'll want to add the subject matter of these notes. And again, you'll be adding all your detailed notes in the right-hand column of your page. Be sure to keep your notes concise. You don't have to use complete sentences. And whenever possible, use your own shorthand that you can understand. Abbreviate information so that you can keep up with the information. And don't forget to skip a line between ideas. Once you're done writing your notes, be sure to review them. Add the main ideas and the most important points on the left-hand side of the column. At the very bottom your page, summarize the most important information as an action plan. Once you're done, you may want to review your notes periodically so you can keep the information fresh in your head. Your first review of notes should occur within 24 hours. After that, the amount of times you review is up to you and based on how well you need to know the information. You can boost your long-term recall of the information by 20 to 70% if you review your notes within 24 to 48 hours and then several times a week thereafter. The more times you review your notes, the better you'll remember the information.
