From the course: Note-Taking for Business Professionals

Organizing your meeting notes

From the course: Note-Taking for Business Professionals

Organizing your meeting notes

- In this video you're going to learn how to organize your meeting notes using the XMind software platform. Let's talk about how you can organize all your meeting notes into a single place where you can manage them more effectively. Notice at the top of this template we have a preparation area. If you click on the small plus sign on the right of that box, you'll notice it expands to include things like background, location, time, purpose and attendees. In the next box down we have the agenda where you can list things that need to be discussed. Below that you'll find the ideas area, and if you click on the plus sign here, you can expand it to include ideas that come up during the meeting, and who they're attributable to. In the next three boxes below we have our action items. Every good meeting has actionable tasks. If you expand these areas, you can add the person in charge of the task, and other information associated with that task. If you need to add more action items, just copy one of them. Then click Meeting Management, and simply paste. Although it will paste it at the bottom, you can easily click and drag it into its correct place and make any edits that are necessary. Notice how the copying and pasting preserved the related details associated with the task. Finally, we have a summary box at the bottom. So try using this XMind template next time you're preparing for a meeting. It can help you save time and make your meetings much more productive.
