From the course: Mindfulness Practices

Find meaning at work

From the course: Mindfulness Practices

Find meaning at work

- Think about somebody who inspires you. Chances are they're inspiring because they themselves are inspired. They're inspired because they're in pursuit of something much bigger than themselves. A sense of purpose. Your sense of meaning and purpose is a wonderful source of energy that fuels you. It helps you take risks and be resilient, if you fail. What would it be like to live every day inspired? I can tell you, I feel grateful because most days my mindfulness practice helps me stay connected to what's meaningful for me. I decided to be an executive coach because my mindfulness practice helped me notice how energized I would feel when I was connecting deeply to coach my team members. I would feel great joy when I help somebody grow. Now, I get to help my executive coaching clients discover what matters to them, so they can work inspired. They transform themselves in service of a mission that matters to them. Creating positive transformation around them. I define purpose as that sweet spot between how you bring value to and serve others and what brings you joy. Some of my executive coaching clients find meaning in solving tough challenges. Others find meaning by bringing people together toward a common purpose. Still others find inspiration in making a difference for people that they mentor and develop. There are so many ways that we can find meaning in our everyday work and life. And mindfulness helps us stay present to those opportunities. As we gain new experiences and change, what we find meaningful may also change. Staying mindful will help us continue to find meaning as we evolve.
