From the course: The Ultimate Guide to Professional Networking

The Goldilocks approach to networking

From the course: The Ultimate Guide to Professional Networking

The Goldilocks approach to networking

- Using my matrix, you can see that there are many opportunities to spend your time on networking, but many of those could suck up your time and leave you no better off. You want to be just right, doing something that is indirect and highly benevolent, that may yield little or no relationship capital. Do it if you want, but not at the expense of more effective networking. What's outside of the center might be important to you, but it may drag you away from more productive networking. Do things that help others, but keep that in the core networks. Do social activities that you like, but know that the impact will not be as big as those that are in the core. At the heart of this bullseye is an organic network that reflects your real life, your real business world, and has the intent of lifelong true connections with good people. Too direct and it's not networking, it's sales. Not direct enough and it's socializing and not networking. Too much focus on you, and it's lonely and you don't make any real connections. Too much focus on others, and they don't turn into clients. Where the two axes intersect is where you find Goldilocks. It's just right.
