From the course: When Negotiation's about More than Money: How to Negotiate (Almost) Anything

How to use this course

- How to use this course. So what I've done on this course I've given an outline of the negotiating process which you can use in any situation. So that's vital and it's great. And then I've applied it to a whole load of different situations, buying, selling, bosses, project management, all sorts of things. So I'm thinking the best way to use this course is to go through the overview of the process first. You must do that and then jump to whatever situation it is that you want to know about. If you sat and watched the whole course, it's really long and there's a lot in this course and there's a certain amount of overlap because in each situation some of the things that you need to do are the same. So you don't need to watch the whole course just watch the description of the process and then go to your individual situation. So I wouldn't try to watch the whole thing in one go, just dip in and use the bits that you need when you need them.
