From the course: Mindfulness Practices

Practice: Grow self-confidence

From the course: Mindfulness Practices

Practice: Grow self-confidence

- This practice is to center yourself prior to an important presentation or situation where you need to bring your most relaxed and self-assured self. Find a quiet space. Shut off any distractions. Sit comfortably relaxing your shoulders, your feet on the floor. Close your eyes or soften your gaze. Take a deep breath, inhaling through your nose, exhaling through your mouth. Now bring to mind a situation where you didn't feel self-confident, or perhaps you're feeling this now. Notice what comes up. As you notice a thought or a feeling, simply label it. It could be not good enough or anxiety, fear, restlessness. Without any judgment, return to your breath. Breathe deeply. Now put your hand on your lower belly. As you inhale, breathe into where your hand is. Feel the belly rise. As you exhale, feel the belly fall. Long, slow exhaling stimulates the body's rest and relax nervous system. It helps us restore calm. Now breathe with me. Inhale, two, three. Exhale, two, three, four, five, six. Inhale, two, three. Exhale, two, three, four, five, six. Inhale. Exhale, two, three, four, five, six. Breathe normally. Notice if anything is shifting for you. If you need to breathe longer to find calm, pause the video and continue to breathe. Long, deep exhales. Now, starting with your hands by your side, visualize yourself in a situation where you want to bring your most confident self. Find your most self-confident posture. You may notice yourself sitting taller or breathing from a deeper place in your belly. You may feel your body language being more open. You might decide to experiment with a power pose and take up more space. Take a deep breath. Notice how you feel when you step into this part of yourself. Name this part of you that is present now. As you name it and connect with how you feel now, it'll be easier for you to step into it when you need it. Taking a deep breath, imagine bringing this more relaxed and centered you to the situation that matters. Notice how you're feeling. Notice your positive impact on others. Athletes use positive visualization to improve their results. So can you. You can pause this if you'd like to continue the practice longer. (gong chiming) When you're ready, open your eyes. You can use the long exhale to center yourself especially in the middle of a challenging situation. You may want to jot down situations where you'll use this calming breath and visualization practice. Remember, the more you practice, the stronger the muscle. You may even choose to practice this every day. Until the next time, my friends.
