From the course: Mindfulness Practices

Stay with your practice

From the course: Mindfulness Practices

Stay with your practice

- Our world is changing rapidly. This is creating more stress than ever in our workplaces and in our lives. By now, you've seen all the ways being mindful can help us be more effective as professionals. Mindfulness is also good for our wellbeing, because it reverses the impacts of stress on our mind and our body, and it strengthens our ability to cope with stress. My friends, there are many challenges that we as a human race are confronted with; many problems to be solved. I imagine a human race where we evolve to bring our most inspired and creative selves to these pressing issues of our time. I'm convinced mindfulness is an essential tool for our evolution. It will help us find our most inspired and centered self right here within us. To evolve or not, ultimately, the choice is yours. Your mind will create lots of excuses to avoid practice. Like me, you will probably skip many days. That's okay. Bring yourself back without any judgment. Know that even five minutes of practice helps. When you practice, take the time to savor what feels good. Your brain will create its own reward system for coming back to practice. I wish you many mindful moments in the future so together, we can evolve and face with courage and grace all the opportunities that are in front of us. Until the next time, my friends.
