From the course: Learning Bodypaint in Cinema 4D

Traditional banana peel

- Let's model a banana. Let's go to my top view, Bezier, and let's do this part. Good, let me correct this. You can't see the axis because I've deactivated it, it bothers me. So if you want it on, you can keep it on. Let me select another Bezier, and create another spline on this side. Excellent. And then I'm going to my 3D view, I'll create an n-Sided, press T for scale. Scale it down, and then get Sweep. Drop this in here and then drop these underneath. Not bad. Let me change my Phong Angle something lower. For now. Good, I like this. Let me change my interpolation, my two splines to Uniform. Good. And then I'll select my n-Sided. Make it editable. In points mode select all, right click and Chamfer. Rounding it a bit. Change this number. I think that's good enough, I just need to make sure in Subdivided mode that I have not so many rounding polygons, I think that's good enough, and just make this a bit higher, there you go. This is an interesting banana. Actually, this is a Bananana. Bananana, it's a different type of banana. Let me select these two splines, and just make them a bit longer. So I'm going to activate my axis now. Select all the points, go here and make it a bit longer. This looks fantastic. Finally, I will select Null. Call it Bananana All, drop the bananana in here, get a bender former, drop the bender former to start the bending, which is obviously wrong. R for rotate, rotated this way, 90 degrees and then that way. Maybe 90 degrees. Good. Select the deformer, make it a bit longer. Let's change the angle. And we have a banana. Fantastic. What we will do is unwrap this banana. Before we do that, let's create our Caps to be N-gons, that's really nice And we are ready to paint our banana. I'm going to select all the bananana, right click and do a Current State to Object, because I want not the procedural one, which I'm going to turn off, but a polygon one. I'll just select all the counterparts, right click, Connect Objects + Delete. Take it out of the Null, delete these. Delete this, I don't care about the UVW. I'm gonna create my own. Call this Bananana Polygon. And last but not least, select point mode, or points, right click Optimize to weld all the points. And there you go, I have a polygon bananana. Right here. Let me render, nice. If I increase this now that's gonna be nice and round. Not as round as I wanted though. I don't want edge breaks, so that's even better. Lovely. Let's create a paintable material, let's unwrap it, let's do everything we can for this banana. First of all I'm going to my edge selection mode, and what I will do is use my loop selection to select this loop, this loop, this loop, excellent. And I'm going to use my live selection tool to get rid of these, or actually I'm gonna a loop selection to select these as well. Sometimes when you can't get the loop you want you have to hover over different parts, so here it's not good, there you go. Suddenly gives me exactly what I want to pick. So you just shift click, and it's bit dodgy. There you go, shift click. Let's go to the bottom, and I'm pressing shift, moving around until I find, there you go, oops, there it is. Now I can click and it will do the selection. So these are my cuts. I want each and every one of these faces to be separate, and the two caps to be separate. Let me make sure that everything is selected. Ah, fantastic. And the next thing I'm going to do is go to my right view. Or even the 3D view that you choose, so that we will use this as our frontal mapping. Good, so I like this, I will go to my UV Edit layout. I'm going to select all my UV polygons. And I can't select the polygons. Can you think of a reason why I cannot select any UV polygons on this. I know, but this is a question. I'm gonna answer it in a second. It's because we do not have a UVW tag here. In order to create a UVW tag, it's very simple, you just go create an empty Texture tag, and then go to Tags and say Generate UVW Coordinates. You can get rid of the tag right after that. Now, we have a UVW tag, which means we have UVW coordinates. Wrong, but enough for us to get us started. With all my UV poly selected in the Projection tab of the UV mapping I'm going to do a Frontal. And then Relax UV, I don't want to pin point anything, but I want to cut everything. Apply, and you'll see that everything has been split up now. What I'm going to do at this point is go to my Optimal Mapping with the Realign selected. I'm going to turn this off and Apply, and it will split up every single one of my islands. The islands were defined by the cuts I did, so I have top and bottom and the six different sides. What I will do now is a bit of manual work, so I will select first of all, everything, press T for scale, and I'm gonna make sure that these are as big as my tile approximately. Then I want to compact then, so I'm gonna do this manually. Live selection, select this, let me get my Select Geometry menu right here, so I have everything very close. Select connected, E for move, move this up, space bar for the previous tool, which is the live selection. Select connected, space bar, move. Space bar, select, select connected, space bar, move. Let's go up, space bar, select, select connected, space bar, move. Space bar, select, select connected, space bar, move. And space bar, select, select connected, space bar, move. Good, and then I'm going to use my live selection. Use shift to select all these. Select connected, and then in my scale tool, we have a Non-Uniform Scale if we wish to use it. And if I select Non-Uniform Scale, basically when I click anywhere, if I move it up and down it scales vertically, if I move it left and right it scales horizontally, so I'm going to adapt these, so that they kind of snuggly fit in here. Make sure that nothing's outside my tile. I can always use my Move tool to move them slightly up, or just go to my UV Commands and Fit UV to Canvas. Now everything fits inside the canvas. Lastly, with my live selection tool, I'm gonna select these two little buggers, Optimal Mapping, Realign, nice and huge, press T for scale, let me scale them down, and I'm going to place them somewhere over here, I think that's good enough. As you can see we have a pretty decent UV layout now, and it took us around seven minutes to create. This is the process you are going to use when you are unwrapping organic forms. And sometimes it is tedious, but you'll be able to do fantastic things. Let's go to our 3D Paint now. And create a material. So I will name it Babanana, so this is a babanana material, and I'm going to activate it, and just use a color, and of course, depending on what bananas you like, normally they're this color. They are this color, so go to Objects, and drop it on the Bananana Polygon. Good, let me turn off the lines, so everything is a bit better looking. Let me get my paint brush. And first of all, I'm gonna add some green here and it's gonna be greenish yellow, so I can go and start painting here, and because I'm getting these issues with the seams, I'm going to go to projection painting, and turn it on and go to my size, make it a bit bigger and start painting around here, and go around and paint around here. And go around, paint around here. Paint... And just patch these up a bit. Good. Then I'm gonna get a darker kind of brown, and go right here, I'm going to use my non-projection painting now, because I want to make this dark, and then I'm going to zoom in, revert to projection painting, make my brush a bit smaller, let me do this, and maybe find one of the brush presets, so I can go here and for example get this one, it seems a bit interesting, and start painting around this. I can even zoom in, or I can go in Filters, and turn off the Filter but keep the texture, I'll make it a bit bigger, so go to Settings, change the Size to something bigger, there you go. Tumble around. Now with problems like this over here what you can do is you can press Cmd to sample a color, so I press Cmd and then I click anywhere to sample a color, and I can just go and paint over it. Had I used layers I could've just corrected that one layer, but generally as in most painting programs you get to use techniques like these two. Go and paint and correct. So this is how we unwrap a banana, or shall I say a banananananana, and 3D painting and unwrapping is nothing more than what we just did but at a more complex level.
