From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Experience

Loading content with jQuery

Now with our document ready script properly functioning inside of our JavaScript file. Now we can start loading in our content. So let's come back to design.js. Outside of the document ready function, let's do a few returns and let's create our own custom function. So we'll type function space. We'll call this load hero. Set of parenthesis, set of brackets. Let's split that open. Now inside of this function we're going to use JQuery's load feature to load the content from the HTML into our div with the id of hero. So inside of this function we need to target the div with an id of hero and then use JQuery's load function. So we'll type dollar sign, beginning parenthesis, tick mark, first string literal, pound sign, hero. End the parenthesis.load. Beginning parenthesis, string literal. We're going to point to the content file. So content/hero_content_large.html. And the string literal, and the parentheses, then the semicolon. Now, with our custom function created, we need to call the function once the document's ready. So let's come in here and copy the loadHero function name. Let's come up to the document.ready, let's paste loadHero, beginning with your parentheses then a semicolon. Let's come up here, and before the alert, let's hit two forward slashes to comment that out. So now what this is going to do is, when somebody loads this HTML page, our loadHero function is going to go out and find the HTML file, and it's going to take all of the content in the HTML file, and put all of that HTML inside of the div, with an ID of hero. So to test this, let's come back out to my website, and let's reload index.html up in our browser. So what we should see here is our image is now being loaded into the top. We see the large screen heading text, our description, and our call to action button. Now if you've reached this point and the HTML is not loading into your page, but you did see an alert earlier, that means your web browser is not supporting locally loading an HTML file into an existing HTML page. At the time of this recording, both Firefox and Chrome don't support locally loading an HTML file. This means if you're looking at an HTML file that's on your hard drive you can't load another HTML file into that existing page. One thing you can do to get around this is use a different browser. In this particular course I'm using Apple's Safari. Another thing you can do is upload the files through a web server. All web browsers support AJAX loading from the web server. Another option is you can work from your computer's local web file server if it's available. Or you can install free applications like MAMP or WAMP which will allow you to run a web server as an application on your computer. If you want to try that particular option, there are two courses on the online training library by Morten Rand-Hendriksen which will show you how to install WAMP or MAMP on your machine to be able to run a local side server. And once you have the content properly loading into your page, next we'll work on styling this content.
