From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design: Advanced Techniques

What you'll need to complete this course - CSS Tutorial

From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design: Advanced Techniques

What you'll need to complete this course

- This course builds on the foundation of my previous course, called Creating Responsive Web Design. So, if you've completed that course, you can use a copy of that final project to follow along in this course. However, the exercise files do contain portions of that final project for each technique in this course. So, you don't need to take the previous course, nor do you need a copy of the final project from that course in order to follow along in this course. And similar to that previous course, you will need access to a text editor. There are many free and commercial text editors available, and here's a list of the most common that you'll find for the Mac and Windows platforms. So check your applications folder and see if you have any of these. You'll also need an HTML5-enabled web browser, which includes all of the popular web browsers available today. And if you have access to a few devices, this will be very helpful, so you can see how your design will translate across various screen sizes. However, it's not necessary to have multiple devices in order to complete the course. And then, finally, all of the graphics that we're going to be using throughout this course will be provided in the exercise files, so you won't need any graphics software to complete the course. So, with that, next we'll talk about what's included in the exercise files.
