From the course: Running a Photography Business: Pricing Your Work

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Vendors in your network

Vendors in your network

- One of the most important components in your network is going to belong to your vendors. And I'm not just talking about vendors whose services you use, like a lab, but I'm also talking about the manufacturers of the camera you use, the lenses you're shooting with, your lighting, your printer. All of the products you have in your business that help you create great images are all representative of a group of companies that I'm calling right now vendors. So, right off the bat, you want to have a contact person at every vendor whose products and services you use. And the best way to do that is to attend trade shows, conventions and workshops. Even a one-person workshop that you might go to for an evening program is typically going to be sponsored by a particular manufacturer or vendor. You want to attend every possible trade show you can. And the reason is that when you're at that show, you want to go over and meet the people that are responsible for the products that you're using…
