From the course: Type Tips


- [Instructor] Welcome to Tie Tips. I'm Nigel French. I'm recording this tip in the early autumn or fall. And it's at this time of year that I start thinking about designing a calendar for the following year. I like to give a calendar of images that I've taken throughout the year to friends, family, and clients. Now, if you ever need to create a calendar, there is a wonderful InDesign script, Calendar Wizard, available from So, I'll come to my scripts panel having installed the script and load the script. Now there are many customizable options. Personally, I like just a very minimal calendar. The real benefit of this script is that it takes all the Drudge work out of making 12 individual InDesign tables and making sure that you have the right day of the month in the appropriate table cell and remembering that September has 30 days, et cetera, not having to worry about if it's a leap year, all of that stuff. So it just takes care of all of this for you. All I need to do is specify my starting and finishing month. I want my day of the week to start on a Monday and all of these options, I don't actually want them, but definitely worth exploring. I'm going to come down to the Page settings. I would like my page to be a Landscape page. This is my page size. I want to create it in a new document rather than in the current document. And now I'm ready to go. The script will generate a 12 page document, one page for each month of the year. Now I can come and add in additional pages for the images. And even though this doesn't look how I want it to look, it's so easy for change because the script makes very good use of paragraph styles. All I need to do is come to the paragraph styles generated for me. I'm going to edit the base style and then I can just choose whatever fonts I want. And really in no time at all, with just a few tweaks. The calendar starts to look how you want it. So be sure to check out the calendar wizard script. And if you're interested in looking deeper into calendar design, check out my course "Designing a Calendar" here in the training library.
