From the course: Video Gear: Cameras & Lenses

Shooting with the Canon EOS C300

From the course: Video Gear: Cameras & Lenses

Shooting with the Canon EOS C300

- Hey there, I'm Robbie Carman, and welcome back to another episode of Video Gear Weekly. And this week, we're really lucky to have Nathan Golon from GoodFight Media, the DP here in the Washington, DC area, on set with us. And welcome Nathan, how are you man? - Thank you, I'm great. - Good. - Good to be here. - It's great to have you. And this week, we're are going to be talking about the Canon C300 camera and all that goes along with it. And I've brought Nathan here on set, because Nathan is probably one of the best C300 shooters I have ever met, and I've had the pleasure of working on a lot of his projects and color correcting the footage that he's shot with the C300. And this week, we kind of want to do kind of the same kind of thing we do with a lot of other camera systems. We'll talk about some of the benefits, some of the drawbacks, 'cause right Nathan, there's no such thing as a perfect camera system? - No, not yet. - Not yet. And after we talk about some of the benefits and some of the drawbacks, we'll take a look at some additional accessories, 'cause like any other camera, accessories, accessories, accessories, right? You can always add more to it. And then, finally, we'll wrap up looking at some footage that Nathan has shot on the C300, so you can really see some of the things that we really like about this camera. And Nathan, I think you'll agree, that the C300 is kind of a unique camera, but it's really, you know, kind of garnered a lot of attention over the past couple years, yeah? - It has. I think people love this camera, really because it works. You don't have trouble with it. It does everything you ask it to do. - [Robbie] Yep. - [Nathan] Seldom do you have any kind of technical issues with it. - [Robbie] Yeah. - [Nathan] And it produces a really good image. - Yeah, and that's the name of the game, producing nice images. So, when we come back in just a moment, we'll dive into the things we really like about the C300.
