From the course: The Five-Step Creative Process

Action and closing: Real-world creative example

From the course: The Five-Step Creative Process

Action and closing: Real-world creative example

- As we prototyped design elements and matched them to the identity of the team and the soul of the league, we landed on something we felt would accomplish both the client's needs of an informational site and our internal goals of educating and exciting the fan base. The design mirrors the visual character of the brand, it feels patriotic, fresh, and new. The game information was front and center showcasing how they did in the last game and letting fans know when the next game will take place. It even highlighted their community involvement all from the homepage. We shot a variety of video vignettes to use as website and social content, some telling an overview story of the league, some telling specific and awe-inspiring stories of something that happened either in the ABA of old or just the other night. We used old and new footage and gave it a new face. In the end, the five-step creative process allowed us to ensure we were solving the right problem and giving us the best chance to produce something of value to both our clients and ourselves.
