From the course: Learning Static Site Building with Jekyll

Create a new Jekyll site

From the course: Learning Static Site Building with Jekyll

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Create a new Jekyll site

- Let's create a new Jekyll project. Open up your terminal or your shell, and navigate to the place where you want to store your site files. For me, I want to store them in the Documents folder, so I'll do CD .\Documents\, and then I need to run the Jekyll 'new' command. I'll do Jekyll new, and then give a name for my project, I'll call it "awesome-static-site". Running Jekyll new creates a new folder called "awesome-static-site" with a bunch of files inside. You'll want to cd into that folder, so I'll do cd awesome-static-site, and then you want to open it up in your favorite text editor or code editor. I'll be using Visual Studio Code, which is free and runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux. You can also use Atom, Sublime, Notepad, or whatever you prefer editing text files in. By default, Jekyll sets up a blog-style site with a sample post in this _post folder. If you are building a blog, any new post you write will go into this _post folder as well. This is a good point to initialize a git repository for this project. I'll switch back into my shell, clear this out, and I'm going to do "git init" to initialize a git repository, I'll do "git status" to check to see what I need to commit, then I'll do "git add --all" and "git commit -m" and I'll just say "create initial project" as the note. If you're on Windows like I am, there's one more thing you'll need to do. I need to run a command called "bundle". I'll say "bundle lock --add-platform ruby", and then one more time, "bundle lock --add-platform x86_64-linux"
