From the course: Working with LinkedIn Learning Exercise Files on GitHub

How we use GitHub - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: Working with LinkedIn Learning Exercise Files on GitHub

How we use GitHub

- [Instructor] Git is the go-to version control system for most developers. It's powerful distributed structure has made it possible for programmers to collaborate on projects big and small from anywhere on the planet. GitHub is the world's most popular Git repository hosting service. It's used to host projects of any size, including enterprise-wide software and popular open-source projects. It's a natural fit for LinkedIn Learning to use GitHub. It's part of our extended Microsoft family. Programmers love GitHub, so it makes sense to use it for all of our programming courses. There are advantages for the rest of our tech library. We intend to make it our default sharing option for our IT Pro and other tech topics. We use GitHub because it's a well-known public location for our course repositories, which makes them easy to share with you. With one simple command, you can clone the files to your local computer. Now, you'll have a local copy that you can edit independently from our published source. GitHub provides other services in addition to repository hosting. This is a partial list of additional services on GitHub. You can use it to manage the people that work on a project. It has issue tracking and change logs. You can work with pull requests and make forks of existing projects. There is a build and a workflow automation tool set. And of course there's the social networking aspect of working with other programmers and discovering code on the site. All these services are interesting, and valuable, and worthy of further study. You can find courses on these topics in our catalog, but you don't need to understand these concepts to work with the exercise files. Let's explore where to find our course repositories. You can always find all of our repositories on the GitHub website. Go to This is our organization account, and it shows all of our course repositories. Of course, you can use the find option to filter this list. I'll look for data. I see there are five repositories that have the word data in the title. Let's try that again with JavaScript. I see there are several here. I'm interested in this top one, the javascript-essential-training, so I'll click here. And that takes me to the detail page for this repository. Another way you can find the repository is on the LinkedIn Learning website. Here, I'm in one of my courses. This is my 10 C# tips course. And I am on the page here and you look on the right side of the screen, you'll see it says exercise files on GitHub. And there's a button here that takes you directly to that repository for that course.
