From the course: Everyday Statistics, with Eddie Davila

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Is your data any good?

Is your data any good?

- [Instructor] In 1869, German doctor and medical professor Carl Reinhold August Wunderlich found that normal human body temperature was 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Wunderlich did so by studying over one million temperature readings from 25,000 patients. Recently, though, a Stanford University study found that Wunderlich's number was a bit high. The Stanford study stated that the normal human body temperature is about one degree lower, about 97.5 degrees. Each individual in the Stanford study had their own normal body temperature, of course, but as can be seen on this chart, the resulting bell curve for the entire group is centered near 97.5, much lower than the dotted line that indicates the commonly accepted 98.6 degrees. The Stanford study isn't alone in this finding. In the last 10 years, other researchers around the world have published similar results, which presents us with a question. Have humans cooled down over…
