From the course: Java EE: Application Servers

WildFly web console

From the course: Java EE: Application Servers

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WildFly web console

- [Narrator] Let's look at the web console and how to change a password. From the terminal window, we'll start the application in standalone mode. Then, standalone dot sh. Hit Enter. And as we can see from the terminal output tell us that the admin console has started. Http:// We can see that it started 309 of 530 services, and 321 services are lazy. Let's click over to the browser. We'll type in http, colon, 9990. And you'll see we've got an error message. This basically tells us that there is no password setup on the system. And it also gives us a message of how to add a password. We we're going to back to our terminal, open up the new terminal window, cd into the WildFly. Bin directory and type add-user. Hit Enter. The first prompt tells us that we want to add a Management User. We'll select that. Then we're going to enter a Username. I'm going to say, "wildfly." Hit Enter. And then we're going to create a password. I'm going to use a password we've used before, so this is capital M, Y, dollar sign, three, C, R, E, T. We'll type that again, capital M, Y, dollar sign, three, C, R, E, T. Hit Enter. This will ask us what groups do you want to add to this user. So, we're going to leave this as none. And this will ask us if we want to add this to the ManagementRealm. We're going to confirm yes. And the final question asks if we want to have this user to be used for any application server process for connecting to other servers. So we're going to say no for now. Go back to our browser. We're going to click try again. And now it prompts us. So we'll enter wildfly, our password, capital M, Y, dollar sign, three, C, R, E, T and sign in. Now from here, you can see that the console allows us to manage Deployments, Create Datasources, take care of user access, and apply patches. If we click on the Access Control link, we'll see that currently the system is currently configured to use simple access controls which will not utilize changes made in the section. In order to utilize RBAC settings, related settings, you'll need to enable the Role Based Account Credentials. The simple Access Control, means that the account we just created does not have any Role Based Account Credentials or RBAC. The WildFly user account was set up using the Management Realm, which is what we need to log in, but if we want to create users by roles and control what functionality they have access to, then we need to enable RBAC. Now according to the documentation, this simple provider is the default and provides permission scheme equivalent to JBoss AS 7, behavior where any authenticated administrator has all permissions. The RBAC provider gives finer-grain permission scheme that is the focus of the section. We can see this if we switch back to our terminal, and inside of here, we're going to vi to standalone, configuration, standalone, dot xml. We're going to search for access control. And you can see that the current access-control provider is simple. We could make these changes through the CLI to make it RBAC, or we could do it through the browser. Let's go ahead and do this through the browser. Let's go back. Going to enable RBAC. We see a dialogue here that informs us that we're currently using the simple provider. And, that we're about to change it to RBAC. If we do, we're going to have to edit the xml if we want to go back. So we're going to say yes. You also see some dialogues here to reload. We do not want to do that. All right. Click on users. We'll click add. We'll type in the name of our user, wildfly. In the Realm, we're going to type ManagementRealm, all one word. And we're going to include SuperUser, and then click Okay. All right. So we've done this. We've made the user SuperUser. Now we need to go back to the terminal window and we'll need to stop and restart the server. Control + C, then bin, standalone, dot sh. Hit Enter. Now we're going to go back to Chrome, but this time instead of using this pre-existing window, there are cookies involved here in the browser history and it'll create problems, so what we're going to do is we're going to open a new incognito window to demonstrate this. We'll type http, colon, 127, zero, to zero, to one, colon 9990. Hit Enter. Again it prompts us for our credentials. Wildfly. My secret. Click Okay. If we go back to the terminal window, and exit here, and then we're going to re-open it to refresh this, go back down to access section, and we'll see that the provider is now rbac.
