From the course: Programming Foundations: Fundamentals

Solution: Guessing game - Python Tutorial

From the course: Programming Foundations: Fundamentals

Solution: Guessing game

(upbeat music) - Welcome back. I hope you had fun thinking of your favorite food and writing the code for this game. I know I did, and here's the solution I came up with. First, starting on line number one, I've created a guess variable. This is where I'm going to store the result of the user's answer to my question, what's my favorite food? Then coming down to line number three, I start the if statement. If the user's guess equals cookies, because of course, cookies is my favorite food, then I'm going to print out yep, so amazing. But if the user enters something other than cookies, I'll fall down to the else statement, which starts here on line number five, and I'm going to print what's inside its indented block, which is yuck, that's not it. And finally, regardless of what guess the user enters, I'm going to print thanks for playing. Let's go ahead and run it and check out the output. So we'll right click and we'll come down to run Python file in terminal as usual. So let's see, what's my favorite food? Let's enter cookies. Yep, so amazing. Thanks for playing. And that's it. Did you come up with something similar? Maybe you used a different name for your variable, or maybe you used the not equals operator instead. That's perfectly fine. In programming, there's almost always more than one way to solve a problem. That's one thing I've always loved about coding. You get to be creative and come up with unique solutions to challenging problems. And now, you're more than halfway through the course. You should be proud of yourself for hanging in there and getting to know the basics of what programming is all about.
