From the course: Gaining Skills with LinkedIn Learning

Learning paths - LinkedIn Learning Tutorial

From the course: Gaining Skills with LinkedIn Learning

Learning paths

- [Instructor] Another useful feature to help you find well-organized, curated content about a particular topic on the LinkedIn Learning platform is the Learning Path. Whereas a LinkedIn Learning course gives you focused instruction on something specific, a Learning Path will provide several courses focused around a larger topic. Some examples of Learning Paths include Become a Manager as well as Become a Web Developer. Now within a Learning Path are several hours' worth of content, giving you an in-depth and thorough learning experience around that desired skill. They'll include courses and videos from different instructors, all geared towards helping you develop a specific set of skills. So here you can see on the Become a Web Developer page, here it tells me a description. It tells me what we'll do and what we'll build and support. And then over here, it tells me some of the details. This specific Learning Path is 26 hours. It includes 10 different items of content. And as I scroll down here, I can see the different courses that are included. Here's one on HTML, CSS, and so on. And then I'll go back up to the top. You can see the same thing here on the Become a Manager one. Now, let's take a look at how we can find a Learning Path. So right now, I'm going to go in here and type in instructional design. I'll click Enter, and here in the same way that we search for courses, we can go ahead and filter out our content. One of the choices is to click on Learning Paths, and when I do that, I can see that there are five Learning Paths that are related to instructional design. The one I'm looking for is right here, Become an Instructional Designer. I can click on that, and it will give me the information regarding that Learning Path. Once you've completed a Learning Path, similar to a course completion, you'll be able to share this accomplishment on your LinkedIn profile. Doing this is a great way to let your whole network know that you've dedicated significant time to learning and gaining new skills in a specific topic area.
