From the course: Finding a Job on LinkedIn

Alumni tool - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: Finding a Job on LinkedIn

Alumni tool

- [Instructor] While we're talking about researching people on LinkedIn I want to point out one of the best ways to find and connect with people who have a high chance of connecting back with you. This is by utilizing the alumni tool which helps you find people who attended the same school as you. Because you shared an important part of your journey at the same place, alumni are often much more likely to respond and much more likely to help you out. Let's take a look at how to find them. I'm going to go up to the top and search for a specific school. In this case, I'll go the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I'll click there and this brings me to their school page. Now, most schools will have a school page. From here, you'll see that we can learn more about the university. We can see things about it, what they're posting but I want to click on the alumni tab. Once I click on that, it brings up this alumni tool. You can see here that there are 273,752 alumni to this university on LinkedIn. Now I can begin to narrow this down. So let's say right away that I want to put in program manager, I'll hit enter and it's down to 41,000. Now I can even go over here and enter in years. So maybe Julie wants people that were around the same years that she was at school or possibly a little older. So she can put in, I'll just go in here and put in date anywhere from 2000 to 2006. I'll enter that and now we're down to 9,000. Now, the cool thing is if you scroll down we can see information such as where they live. Now, maybe Julie wants to move and she's moving to a new area. Let's say, for instance, here, the greater New York area and she wants to learn more about it. Well, these are people that fit all of the criteria we've entered so far, plus they live in the greater New York City area. If I click there, we've now narrowed that down to 454. Up at the top then we have things like where they work. So there may be somebody at a specific company that you'd like to work at. For instance, here is Google. You could reach out there and say, hey I went to the same university, was just wondering what path you took to work there and so on. Now up at the top, you can click next and if I do that, we get more criteria such as what they do, what they studied, what they're skilled at and how you're connected. Now, once you've entered in the criteria and have this narrowed down, you can scroll down and you'll see the profiles of these people. In this case, it's another good illustration of why it's so important to build a network because here they remain as anonymous people because Julie doesn't have any connections yet. But, once you do have connections and people appear here this'll be a great way to reach out to these people and ask if they'd like to connect or if they have any advice or opportunities available. So utilize the alumni tool to find alumni from the school you attended, who may be able to give you advice or help you with an opportunity or connect you with someone who can.
