From the course: Finding a Job on LinkedIn

Resume Builder - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: Finding a Job on LinkedIn

Resume Builder

- [Oliver] I'm often asked if resumes are still important if you have a LinkedIn account, and the answer is absolutely. You'll still need a resume to apply for many jobs and it's important to have one that represents you well. Now, if you already have a resume, like I said, you'll need it to apply for many jobs on LinkedIn. Let's take a quick look at how you can add a resume to your account so that you can easily access it. In order to do this, I'll go up to the Jobs icon. I'll click here. And then for more, I'll click there, and from the dropdown, select Application Settings. Here, I can decide if I want to save and manage any resumes or answers that I use. And then below that, I can manage resumes. So I can upload one, which I'll go ahead and do. And on my desktop, I have one here titled Julie Parker Resume. That's kind of a generic name. You might want to give it a better name, because you can save multiple resumes if you have different ones tailored to certain types of jobs that you're applying for. Now, what if you don't have a resume yet? Well, there's another feature on LinkedIn that I want to show you called Resume Builder. We can access this by going up to the Jobs tab. And from here, I want to click on More again, and then select Resume Builder. Now, here it does have a couple that are in here already for Julie, but I want to go down and click on Create from profile. Here's another place that we could upload one, but I want to create one from my LinkedIn profile. I'll click on this. It wants me to give it a job title. I'll give it the title here of Program Manager, and select that. I'll click Apply. Now, on the right is something we took a look at earlier and that is that they will give you some resume insights. In other words, they'll do a keyword check. They tell you keywords that you should have in your resume based on the job title you put in, and then some suggested keywords that you don't yet have. Over here on the left, they've created a resume. So they have one here with Julie Parker, where she lives, email address, the URL for her LinkedIn profile, below that as her summary, experience, and so on. So this is the foundation for a resume. You can go in here and make any changes you want. I could click on the Edit button and go in and change anything here, add a phone number, and so on. Now, when you make the changes here, only you will be able to see them and they won't affect your LinkedIn profile. So if you're just making them on this resume, say for instance, I click here on Summary and I want to get rid of part of my summary. I don't want this part there on my resume. Well, that change will not be made on your LinkedIn profile, which is a good thing. So now, if I scroll down, you'll see here that all these different sections, I can click to edit them. So this is a great and quick way to create a resume, if you still need to do that, by utilizing the Resume Builder on LinkedIn.
