From the course: Practical Linux for Network Engineers: Part 1

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ls help, man, grep, more, and less

ls help, man, grep, more, and less - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Practical Linux for Network Engineers: Part 1

ls help, man, grep, more, and less

(upbeat theme music) - [Instructor] Ls allows us to list files. It's a very useful command, but provides a lot of options. And I'll use ls as an example to show you what's possible with many commands. If you use the command ls hyphen hyphen, or dash dash help, you'll get help information about the command. This gives you an overview of options available with a specific command. So notice there's the command that we typed, and various arguments are shown here. So as an example, we could use lower case l, which provides a long listing format. Notice, please, that Linux is case sensitive, so you have lower case l as well as upper case L, that provide different options. So ls is the command space dash and an argument allows us to modify the behavior of the command. So again, ls shows us that, ls -l shows us that. Rather than just giving us a basic list, -l shows us permissions, file sizes and other information about directories and files. So again, ls --help shows us various arguments or…
