From the course: Managing Brand Reputation

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How to use great reviews to drive traffic and engagement

How to use great reviews to drive traffic and engagement

From the course: Managing Brand Reputation

How to use great reviews to drive traffic and engagement

- Using great reviews to drive traffic to your site and engagement on your social media platforms helps increase your customer base. How can you use positive reviews to drive traffic and engagement? Feature these positive reviews on other owned platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, et cetera. You can include a short clip and link to the full review. You can also aggregate positive reviews on your website. Always make sure to add in a CTA or Call To Action. That means a link to your product or business or a discount code. Ask positive reviewers to be included in a longer form blog post or a video with positive reviews and good stories. Try using a good hashtag. For example, my friend Winnie's son runs an incredibly popular weekly chat on Twitter where she uses the #winniesun to talk about finance and entrepreneurship with her fan base. Now, let's take a look at this actual tweet chat in action. We have a couple of positive tweets here. Right here it says, "We're super excited…
