From the course: Creative Inspirations: Natalie Fobes, Photographer


(cheerful music) - [Natalie] The great thing about the newspapers that I worked for, both newspapers had a healthy respect for photographers as journalists. If we had story idea, we would pitch it. Instead of fighting the light, I'm going to work with the light. What I'm looking at is there's kind of a cool thing happening with that shadow behind him on the wall. What I really wanted to do was to write a love letter to the people of Alaska who had really gone out of their way to take me under their wing. I kind of laugh and say that my career is built on the kindness of strangers. I started working at Seattle Central three years ago. They all have personal projects that they feel are very important for people to understand, and it's great that every week I come here and I'm reminded that that is why I got into photography, to do good things with my photographs to make a difference in this world. So I went downstairs, I packed all the film that I had, I packed my cameras, and I was on the next flight out. I arrived there the day after the spill and already the town was in chaos. And I find with my wedding photography, it's still a story. One day I have a chance to get all the photographs that I need. It's a challenge and it's very creative. I'm in a different space in my life. I love seeing my daughters come home from school. I love going to their soccer games. I'm always up for adventure, definitely, but I'm enjoying where I am right now a lot. (cheerful music)
