From the course: Learning DSLR Filmmaking

Understanding sensor size - Premiere Pro Tutorial

From the course: Learning DSLR Filmmaking

Understanding sensor size

Brian Liepe: One of the reasons these DSLRs have been such a huge hit is because of the size of their sensor. They are really big. This adds all sorts of benefits and one of them being its sensitivity to light. You can shoot in really low light situations. Chad Perkins: Right, but another aspect of the big sensors that these DSLRs have, is the very shallow depth of field, and I mean really shallow depth of field. Now a lot times this creates beautiful images, but sometimes this could be a real challenge when you want to get everything in focus, especially when you're shooting in really bright conditions. Now later on in this training series we'll look at some ways to manage excessive light, like when you're shooting outdoors, but this is definitely something to consider. Brian Liepe: The size of the sensor also affects the area which the lens can see. So in the Canon 5D we can see a lot more with the same lens then we can on the 7D because it has a smaller sensor. Chad Perkins: So it's almost like the Canon 5D makes all of your lenses wider because of a larger sensor? Brian Liepe: Exactly! This also means that with a 5D, we can achieve a much more shallow depth of field than we can with a 7D. So just beware that with these sensor sizes, as big as they are on these DSLRs, some of them bigger than 35mm film that they can be a blessing and a curse.
