From the course: Creating a Short Film: 08 Editing

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Using higher frame rates for end credits

Using higher frame rates for end credits - Premiere Pro Tutorial

From the course: Creating a Short Film: 08 Editing

Using higher frame rates for end credits

- [Narrator] In the previous course on cinematography, we talked about how one of the big limitations of shooting at 24 frames per second, was that it tends to create strobing when the camera moves too fast. This isn't just limitation of cameras 'cause motion graphics actually suffer the same fate when they move too quickly at 24 frames per second. When I was composing the musical score for The Assurance I hadn't yet made the end credits in Premiere. So I composed about a minute of extra music for the credits, thinking that that would be enough. It turns out that the credits had to play back pretty darn fast in order to all fit in just that one minute. And because the credits were playing back at 24 frames per second, the frame rate of the film, they felt really jerky because of that strobing we discussed earlier. So I decided to experiment with different frame rates for the end credits. I tried 60 frames per second and it was just magical, totally smooth. Now I don't know if you can…
