From the course: React for Web Designers

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Next steps: React, React Native, and JS

Next steps: React, React Native, and JS - React.js Tutorial

From the course: React for Web Designers

Next steps: React, React Native, and JS

- [Joe] Now that you've gone through the basics with React, let's talk about some possible next steps. First step. Courses to help deepen your understanding of React. React.js, building the user interface is another project course geared toward front-end developers and web-designers, and it's a great companion to this one. Building and deploying a full-stack React application looks at how to build a web app that's based entirely on the React stack rather than just a piece of an existing site as we went through here. React ES6, ES2016 and Beyond covers the new features of modern JavaScript, specifically, through a React lens, and then there's learning Redux, which, of course covers Redux, which is a state store that trades off some complexity in favor of not having to pass as much data around through components props. It's a very common piece of larger React projects and it's very popular. Next up we'll talk about courses to help you deepen your understanding of JavaScript in general…
