From the course: React: Cloud-Powered Apps with Firebase

Overview of the Firebase console

From the course: React: Cloud-Powered Apps with Firebase

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Overview of the Firebase console

- [Instructor] In this course, we will be working with Firebase by Google. So what we'll need to first configure a Firebase project. From the Firebase homepage, log into the Firebase Console by clicking on the go-to console link and log in with your Google account. Once logged in, you will be taken to the Firebase dashboard. Go ahead and create a new project. You can name it whatever you like. If the name is not unique, Firebase will suggest a unique name for you. We'll be working with a fictitious app called the Grid which will be a contact manager for special agents. So I will name it, react, dash grid, dash dashboard. Go ahead and click continue. We don't want to set up Google analytics for this project and click on create project. Firebase we'll go ahead and create the project for you and notify you once it's ready. Clicking on continue, we'll take it to that project dashboard which will be used throughout this course. Heading over to the develop tab, you can see the different Firebase features that we'll be using. We'll be using Firebase Authentication to manage both the admin and the registered users for our app. We will be using the Cloud Firestore to start data and leverage its real time capabilities. We'll be using Firebase Storage to store files. In our case, to store user uploaded images. Firebase hosting will be used to easily deploy our app to the Cloud. And finally, we'll be using Firebase Functions and dive into the servers this world. At this point, it will be good to install the Firebase CLI since we'll be working with Firebase. Let's set over to our terminal now. And you can install the Firebase tools with npm. Npm install, dash D, Firebase dash tools. Once that is completed, sign into Firebase using your Google account, and we can do that using Firebase Login. This command connects your local machine to Firebase and grants you access to your Firebase projects. Go ahead and click allow, and we see that the Firebase CLI Login was successful. Let's go ahead and test that the authentication worked. Let's list all of our Firebase projects, and we can do that by using Firebase projects list. And we can now see all of our Firebase projects.
