From the course: Red Hat Certified System Administrator (EX200) Cert Prep: 2 File Access, Storage, and Security

Prepare for the RHCSA EX200 Exam

- [Instructor] What if I told you that you could break into the world of system administration of the operating system that powers much of the world's websites, super computers, cloud services and mobile devices with one well respected certification. Welcome to Red Hat certified system administrator EX 200 cert prep one, deploy, configure and manage. This course is the first in a two part series that covers a Red Hat certified system administrator certification or RHCSA and has been updated for Red Hat enterprise Linux eight. This certification is required before you can take any of Red Hats higher level exams such as the Red Hat certified engineer, or RHCE. Red Hat certifications carry quite a bit of weight in the industry. So there RHCSA is a good one to have even if your Linux administration job does not use Red Hat. In this course, we'll cover half of all RHCSA objectives and provide study materials, including one page PDF cheat sheets, practice exam questions, and video lessons. I'm Graham McWilliams, Linux enthusiast and computer science instructor. I have trained thousands of people to be Linux administrators for fortune 500 corporations as well as for college degrees. I've had many students go on to gain Linux certification in compTIA's Linux plus, Elbit levels one and two, or become Red Hat certified administrators and engineers. I'm sure you're excited to get started and I'm excited to teach you, so let's get to it.
