From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Dealing with lens fog

Dealing with lens fog

Another common problem you're going to encounter sooner or later when shooting with action cameras is fogging. Fogging or steaming up on the lens occurs when there's a difference between the temperature of the camera and the case. And the water it's submerged in. So humid or cold conditions are much more likely to cause a problem. Fogging is definitely something that you want to stay vigilant of because it's heartbreaking to end a great run. Pop your footage on a laptop only to discover that the shot you thought you got turned out to be the shot that's not. Fortunately, there are several solutions that can help you avoid this common problem. One of the simplest and most common tricks is to just lick the lens right before you hit the water. Licking the inside of the lens or wiping a little spit on it. Is the same trick many scuba divers and snorkelists use to keep their masks from fogging up. But if you haven't yet acquired a taste for camera lenses, or if I totally just grossed you…
