From the course: Converting Face-to-Face Training into Digital Learning

Tips: Performance support

- [Narrator] Sometimes employees don't really need training. They just need helpful information when they get stuck on an on-the-job task. In these situations, performance support is best. Performance support can be super efficient as you're providing employees help when they need it. But before you build any resources to help workers, ask yourself, if I build it, will they come? In other words, just because you build a set of resources doesn't mean anyone's going to use it. If you feel performance support deserves a space in your digital blend, here are a few tips for developing it. First, get a deep understanding of the tasks employees need help with. That will clarify what information the employee needs, when they need it, and what the best format for the resource is. How do you get that deep understanding? By talking to and observing the employees you intend to help. Second, craft concise resources that help workers solve specific problems. No one wants a five page document when a short checklist will do. To help focus on specific problems, use the how do I format when creating resources. For instance, let's say the human resource workers use support often get stuck on writing job descriptions that follow company guidelines. In that case, create a how do I write a job description resource, so workers can easily identify what they need. Third, make the resource easily accessible at the moment the employee needs it. Bob Mosher, an expert on performance support, says the resource should take no more than two mouse clicks and 10 seconds to access. If if takes longer than that, most employees won't bother. I'm guessing accessibility is going to be your biggest challenge. It certainly has been mine. Finally, let learners know the resources exist. Find someone in your organization to champion them. A library of resources does no good if people don't know it's there. Performance support is often far more effective than formal training, because you're providing resources right at the time workers need them. If you build such a resources, make sure they are concise and easily accessible.
