From the course: SynthEyes Essential Training (2015)

Automatic tracking

- The quickest way to get some trackers besides using the auto solve is by using the automatic tracker. But like anything automatic, it can have its downside, like looking through all the trackers to find the bad ones. Let's header over to the summary panel if you're not already there. And we're going to use the Run Auto-tracker. The run auto-tracker is the same process that's used in the auto solve button except we get the option to clean up some of the trackers before we actually solve. So let's click on the Run Auto-tracker. And sometimes it will start blipping and finding features in the shot. And once it's done we have all of these predictions of features that sometimes it's going to use to make tracking points. Now we need to go through here and see if we can find bad trackers. Sometimes there's a few options to help us find them a little quicker. One option I like is if you right click in the window, go down to View, you can Show Tracker Trails. And that just shows you the path. You can see right here, take a look at that tracker. You can see the little bump in the tracker trail. The way to tell is that all these other ones are actually straight, and this one has this jagged edge. So you can tell that that's a bad tracker. That's one way to go through and find trackers a little easier than just watching the green diamonds. Another option is if you go up to Layout, come down to Camera & Graph. And this is the graphical view of what the trackers are doing. We're going to go over the graph editor in a later video in more detail, but for now let's take a look at a few options. First let's turn on the graph mode, and let's pull this up so we can see a little bit better. Here's the active trackers and we have all of our trackers that are in the scene. One thing that we can do to make it a little bit easier is this button right here changes the tracking order, or the track order in the list. If we change that to error our highest error trackers will be at the top. If we click on that first tracker... You can see it here and also in the timeline. If you come down here you can see all of these keyframes. Now we know where it is, so we can scrub down. Now it should be on screen. There it is. Right there at the end it kind of bumps down. So we can delete that. And you can quickly go through these. Once you have one of the trackers selected you can go up and down arrow to cycle through the bad trackers. Another thing you can look at which is very helpful, and this is new in the newer version of SynthEyes, is once you click this tracker, this little mini error view comes up, and it shows your error value. So you can see quickly whether or not you want to delete a tracker. But these are pretty good. If you're limited on time, automatic tracking can be a lifesaver.
