From the course: Creating a Short Film: 07 Cinematography

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Creating the film noir look

Creating the film noir look

- In this tutorial, we're going to look at how to create what is called the Film Noir look. This style is so popular and iconic, film makers often want to recreate it for a film or even just for a scene. Now in order to really achieve a look, any look, we actually have to study and do some homework. Film Noir is often talked about in cinematography as a look. But it's not a look, it's a genre of movie. Film Noir rose to prominence in the 1940s and was known for being very dark. Both in terms of visuals and in terms of subject matter. These were frequently detective or crime dramas, but they didn't have to be. They're also known for being black and white. As a matter of fact, when a lot of amateurs refer to the Film Noir look, they basically mean black and white with high contrast. But, this isn't the whole story. Some of my favorite Film Noir movies were actually color, like Niagara or Leave Her to Heaven. So then, what makes something Film Noir? Really it speaks more to tone. This…
