From the course: 3D Tracking and Nuke Compositing

Using the exercise files

- [Instructor] If you access to the exercise files, to put them back together after you've unzipped them, select all the different cameras, and then put them in Exercise Files, Maya, images folder. When you open up your Syntheyes script to reconnect our footage, we'll just need to go up to the Shot menu, put out a Change Shot Images, and when this box pops up just choose Other don't do anything special, and press OK. Then we'll locate our footage, and click Open. When the next box pops open just press OK. In Maya, to reconnect everything go up to Windows, General Editors, and come down to File Path Editor. Once the File Path Editor window pops up just select All of the disconnected footage. Then, click on Repath Files. Just enter in the new path which will be users and then your computer, and click on Repath. Once everything is connected you can just click out of the window. In Maya, if you don't see the Arnold's Renderer in any of your options, you may need to turn the plug in back on. To do that just go up to the Windows menu. Go down to Settings and Preferences, and then to Plug in Manager. Then go down the list until you find the Solid Angle plug in, and then just click on Loaded. Once you do that, the Arnold plug in will be loaded back into Maya. In New to reconnect everything click on one of the read nodes and go to the very beginning of the file path. Let's copy the very beginning of the file path which is users and then, lynda. Then, we'll go up to Edit, Search, and we'll type in Read, and press OK. What that will do is select all of our read nodes and our read geo nodes. Now that we have those selected, let's go up to Edit, Node, File Name, Search and Replace. Then, paste the beginning of our file path, and we'll paste it again. Replace it with your file path. Press OK. Then everything will be reconnected.
