From the course: Working with Computers and Devices

Working with computers to create opportunity

From the course: Working with Computers and Devices

Working with computers to create opportunity

- Digital skills can play a powerful role in helping you to connect, learn, engage with your community and create a more promising future. Working with computers can open doors for opportunities at work, connect you with friends or family, spray your creativity, and expand your career horizons. This series of lessons is designed to help you improve your current skills and also learn new skills to help you succeed in the digital world. We'll start with a look at computer and device basics and find out what makes a computer a computer. We'll look at how to use the operating system to open, create, save, and otherwise manager your files, applications, and projects. Then we'll look at how to connect peripherals like Bluetooth devices and external storage devices. And we'll also explore productivity software applications for work or personal use with tools like Word and Excel. If you're new to computers or have always felt a mild anxiety, or even dread when you've sat down in front of a computer, this course is for you. We're going to avoid technical jargon and discuss everything in easy to understand terms, all while building your knowledge level from a foundation of the very basics. I'm Garrick Chow and welcome to this course on working with computers and devices. Let's get started.
