From the course: ZBrush: Modeling Footwear

Tweaking the sole geometry - ZBrush Tutorial

From the course: ZBrush: Modeling Footwear

Tweaking the sole geometry

- [Instructor] Okay, so the sole looks pretty good. However, there are a few things that can be made even better. Let's take a look at them. So I'm going to hide the floor, just to make it easier to see the sole by itself. And I wanna zoom in and hit D to turn on dynamic subdivision. Now you can't really see quite so much what I'm talking about right now. But if I put on a different material, so let's switch this to let's say MatCap Skin06, something that has some more definition to it. And then we also need to fill it, so I'm gonna go to material channel, color, and fill object. Okay, so as I rotate around, you might see that there's little ridges or faceting around some of these sides of the sole. And that's because of the way the geometry is laid out. So I'm going to hit Shift D to turn off dynamic subdivision. And Shift F to turn on wire frame. And you can see that because of the way we had to create these edges to make the treads, you've got some edges close together, and then some farther apart. This results in that uneven appearance, especially when the model is subdivided. So let's see how to fix that. What I need to do is space out some of these edges, and so that the spacing becomes consistent. So let's zoom in. I wanna make sure my Z modeler brush is active by hitting B Z M. And now let's hover over an edge, hold down space bar, and make sure we've got slide active, and edge. So what we can do with this is just click and drag on an edge, and it'll just slide it along the geometry. So really all I need to do is just come around and space out these different edges so that they're all spaced evenly. Or pretty close to evenly, it doesn't have to be perfect. Okay, now I'm gonna turn off the wire frame and hit D to turn on the dynamic subdivision. And you can see it looks much smoother now. Now unfortunately, because of the spacing we need here between the treads, we can't change the spacing down this close. But it's good enough. So we could keep going around. Looks like in this area there's definitely a different situation though. If we click and drag on this, then we're changing the shape of that tread. So let's do something a little bit different. I'm going to hover over this edge, hold down the space bar, and let's go to scale instead. And now We can just scale up this edge, just click and drag on it. Same thing here. So we're basically doing the same thing but with a slightly different tool for a slightly different situation. And there might be situations where I want to move a point. So if I hover over a point, hold down space bar, go to move, let's change it back to by brush radius. And I'm just gonna get really a much smaller draw size here. Look at this from a top view. And just click and drag on some of these to keep that curvature really nice and clean. And I could even do the spacing out from this view as well if I wanted to. But I think it's gonna be easier to do it from the side view, and also weird things might happen. So I'm gonna try to do it as much as possible with just scaling these edges. Okay, hit Shift F, hit D to turn on dynamic subdivision, and you can see that there's much less appearance of any sort of weird artifacts happening. Okay, so we did one side, but the other side is the exact same process. So I'll let you handle that on your own.
